Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring Cleaning!

I love Spring! I love everything about it...well, maybe not the uncontrollable sneezing and the trail of tissues I seem to leave around the house, but other than that I freakin' love it! I love the weather! I love to see the flowers blooming, the trees coming back to life and I love to hear the sweet sounds of birds in the early morning (except for the family of birds who have apparently moved into my chimney and have their days and nights mixed up - those guys I am currently not loving!)! The point is...Spring time makes me happy!

I was thinking on our way home from a recent vacation that this is the perfect time for me to get things in gear! I am ready to take control of my health and most of all my fertility! Here is my plan:

1. Make a doctor's appointment. I am calling tomorrow! I have already okayed it with the hubby and he only had a small heart palpitation when I reminded him of the small $150 fee for the "consultation" - but he agreed it was time we get things going. (Note to future baby: For occasions such as when I am up all night worrying where you have been or when you bring home a bad grade - I think it only fair that we work out a "reimbursement program" or perhaps a wage garnishment to you know - to call it even!)

2. Make good on my whole "get healthy" plan. (Note to self - If for any reason in the near future you have any more great ideas - like oh...get healthy a better know change the world type stuff...well - keep it to yourself!)
Actually...I am really going to try on this one. My family has agreed to adopt "Meat Free Mondays" - and by agreed I mean I told them we were going to do this and I didn't allow for any comments or questions. And, since my current kid pretty much only eats chicken nuggets this should be a really GREAT experience! But - we will TRY it and see how it goes...I see a lot of cheese pizza and grilled cheese in our future!!
Also, I asked my husband to help me start a running program. (Apparently I was on drugs when I asked this - since normally I don't RUN unless, maybe I am being chased by a giant sasquacth - who is also armed...otherwise it would just be a fast "mall walk.") So, tonight we are going to start "running" maybe just to the mailbox and back...but it's a start.

3. Start Fresh! Today I got rid of all of my old baby stuff. I know, I know...kind of defeats the purpose of this whole thing...BUT - I decided that when I do have a baby - I DESERVE new stuff!! I am keeping the furniture - but everything else is going to the Yard Sale! It is 7 years old - so I figured out with the old and in with the new (and I am ONLY referring to the baby stuff here).

So that is my plan...will it work?? No idea, but I'll give it a go and see!!!!

I will do my best to update much more often, that is if i don't die during the whole running thing!!


(P.S. I have no idea how to spell sasquatch (and my spell check is giving me no suggestions) so - sorry! *_*)

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