Sunday, July 20, 2014

18 Months...Really???

As you can tell...I've pretty much stopped blogging. I didn't mean to really; I just can't seem to find time to sit down and do it...and I HATE trying to do it from my phone. (Also, I kinda forgot my password.) I think of great blog posts all of the time, but actually getting to the key board is a different story!

I will try to start promises, but I will try!

Liam is going to be 18 months old tomorrow. He has turned out to be a very interesting child. A sweet, adorable, hilarious, mean-as-a-snake, child! =)

Don't let that adorable squishy face fool you!

He is walking, running, and even climbing stairs like a champ. He gets mad at me because I won't let him climb the stairs. All. Day. Long. He loves to play with his big brother. They play chase and hide-n-seek, which Liam thinks is just the best! He is still not talking too much. I am not really worried yet, but a tad concerned. He says: bah-bah, hiiiiiii, bye, uh-oh, NO, and choo-choo...that's it. He loves to walk around the house, pointing his finger, and yelling "no-no" at the dog. When he is hungry he just goes and gets his high chair and pushes it into the kitchen (it is on wheels/rolly things). If he wants something he will grab my hand, or clothes, or whatever he can, and pull me over to whatever it is that he wants. It's usually a bottle.

I know. I know.

He is 18 months old and still getting a bottle. Judge all you want. You can raise your kids your way. He only gets 1-2 a day. Usually when he first wakes up and one after his bath. He just loves it so much. And is a bottle any different than a sippy cup? I don't let him sleep with either one. He only gets milk in the bottle (only about 16 ozs a day), juice in the cup. We are encouraged to nurse as long as we can, but stop the bottle at 12 mos cold...I don't like that. I have yet to find evidence strong enough to convince me that 1-2 bottles a day is going to cause harm to my child. He is my last baby, too. If he wants to stay a baby a little longer...I'm okay with that.

He really loves that bottle!

We have been able to go on a few trips this summer, and Liam has been pretty "good" for all of them. He has become a great car rider. We have a travel DVD player, and that works GREAT! He loves to watch Toy Story and Mickey Mouse (I can't wait to take him to Disney when he is older)! We stayed down at the beach for a week; that didn't go as well as it could have. Liam did not care for the beach...or the pool. He was still really good. He just wanted nothing to do with the beautiful beach or crystal clear pool. Nothing.  We had fun, we just had to get creative. Usually, Troy and I took turns going down to the beach while the other one stayed in the condo with Liam. Not what I had envisioned for a beach week, but still had a great time.

We have had our share of fits and tantrums. I mean the real deal, kicking and screaming, slapping (him slapping me -- yep!), throwing one's self on the floor fits! Lucky for us, most of these fits happen in public!!! He is just a seriously strong-willed child and when he wants something...he REALLY REALLY wants it. I probably apologize to just about everyone I see these days. Most people are great about it and just give me that "Been there" look. I am sure a few are judging me and my, what may seem like possessed, child. Once, a very kind lady just looked at me and said, "He must be two." She gets it! I love this child and prayed so hard for him to be when he is trying to slap my face in the middle of the grocery store -- I remind myself of that! There are days that he is wonderful and so amazingly sweet...those just happen to be the days when we stay home. Haha!

This is pretty much happened when we went to the condo pool...he went to the gate and wanted to leave.

We also went to a theme park. It rained. Normally, the rain wouldn't bother me but it made it kind of hard with a toddler...and a stroller. Once the rain left, it was great. (It helped that the theme park served adult beverages!!!) =)

My good little car rider!

Brothers and a friend playing!

It is so hard to believe that it has already been 18 months. I wish I could slow time down, but then again I am ready for him to do some older things (like talk) too. I am really excited about the memories we are going to make!!! This entire journey is a miracle. Even though I don't say it as often as I should...I am so grateful that God allowed for this to happen! I know that my family is blessed! We prayed for 7 years for a child...and boy did we get one!!! Hahahaha!

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